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Writer's pictureHope Center Indy

Raise the Alarm

If you have watched very many westerns, you have probably witnessed a scene where there was a terrible danger or a serious problem. Someone inevitably runs to the local church and begins ringing the steeple bell- Bong Bong Bong Bong! In those days, the frantic ringing of the bell was a sign to the whole town that something bad was happening, and everyone should run to the church to see what they could do to help! Perhaps there was a fire, possibly dangerous criminals were on the attack, or maybe there had been a terrible accident.

Today, please allow me to be that bell ringer for you. There is a terrible danger right in our own communities. There are women and children who traffickers are grooming. Women and children are being snatched from their neighborhoods and forced into sex slavery women and children are being sold for sex right around us. We need every able-bodied man and woman to join the fight to stop this evil, rescue the slaves, and protect the vulnerable.

We have all been given a powerful weapon of warfare for the tearing down of satanic strongholds like sex trafficking. Right now, would you pray against these evils?

  1. Pray against the power and control of traffickers in our nation, and pray they are caught.

  2. Pray against any profits being made from this horrific criminal industry

  3. Pray for the shutting down of the 4 million pornographic websites in our nation that entice people to purchase women and children.

  4. Pray for stronger laws against traffickers who are prosecuted in the U.S.

"For the weapons of our warfare are not [a]carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds." II Cor. 10:4

Written by Dr. Carolyn Knight Hope Center Indy Training Manager and Church Liaison

Leader of Light Into Darkness

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