Hope Center Residents donate scent-bonding "Lovies" to NICU families
New parents often look forward to spending quality time with their newborn, but for NICU babies, bonding can take on an entirely new...
Hope Center Residents donate scent-bonding "Lovies" to NICU families
The Journey After Hope Center: Megan
Life after Graduating from Hope Center: Jasmine
A survivor’s story: How Tiffany found healing at the Hope Center
A special moment: The rewards of a Hope Center graduation are life-changing
Office/General Inquiries: 317-752-1500
Residential & Other Resources: 463-236-5064
Redefined Hope: 463-236-5053
11850 Brookville Road
Indianapolis, IN 46239
Hope Center Indy, Inc. is a registered U.S. 501(C)(3) organization.