Hope Center Indy has three different programs that help women overcoming sex trafficking, sexual exploitation, and addictions – Take Heart Residential, Grace House and Hope Community. Each of these programs is unique in how it operates and how it serves the needs of survivors.
Take Heart Residential
Take Heart Residential is where survivors of sex trafficking begin their road to recovery at Hope Center Indy. This 15-month program is based on a five-pillar system which includes spiritual, education and career, wellness, financial, and relational milestones.
Sometimes residents leave without completing the program; sometimes they leave and then come back; sometimes it takes a resident a little longer to finish the program; sometimes they complete it in under 15 months. Each resident is unique and likewise, their paths to recovery all look a little different.
“I believe one of the hardest things our residents face is believing and walking out Isaiah 43:18-19,” says Take Heart Residential Program Director, Jenn Starr.
Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it! I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland. – Isaiah 43:18-19
In addition to being survivors of sex trafficking, these women are often also overcoming a number of other issues, like anxiety, depression, and substance abuse.
“After all the challenges, it is difficult to forget the past and work towards a new future: standing firm that God has a new plan,” adds Jenn.
Grace House
Hope Center Indy has a valued partnership with Adult and Teen Challenge that makes the Grace House program possible. The mission of Grace House is to help adult women overcoming addictions and other life-controlling issues.
“When a woman first enters the doors of Grace House, they are broken, each one for individual reasons: homelessness, recent release from jail, years of alcohol or drug abuse, shattered family relationships... They come to us as a last resort,” says Grace House Program Manager, Sue Bowman.
One of the unique thigs about this program is that it applies spiritually motivated biblical principles to sober living, relationships, chosen vocation, and community.
“After they complete our program, they are a new person in Christ,” says Susan. “While they are here, they come to know Jesus, who is the only one who will never fail them.”
Hope Community
For the most part, the women in the Hope Community program are graduates of Take Heart Residential or Grace House. Hope Community creates a bridge for at-risk adult women, helping them reintegrate successfully into society as self-sufficient, healthy, and productive members of their communities. This includes finding a job and housing.
"At Hope Community, the transition from restoration to independence is not a solitary journey,” says Hope Community Director, Sara Feasel. “We want to walk alongside our residents in their recovery, helping to remove barriers they face. These barriers may include finding safe, stable, and permanent housing or creating a constructive environment that inspires them on their journey towards personal, professional, and spiritual development.”
In many ways, Take Heart Residential, Grace House and Hope Community all rely on each other to give women every opportunity to begin anew, no matter how many times it takes.
“We’re here to be a safe haven, where women can rise above their past and confidently stride towards a hope-filled future with Christ.”
If you are a survivor of sex trafficking or sexual exploitation and would like to explore residential options, call 463-236-5064 or email jstarr@hopecenterindy.org
If you are struggling with addiction, contact Grace House at 317-829-1155 or email gracehouse@indianatc.org
If you have graduated from a restoration program and need assistance with reintegrating back into the community, call us at 463-236-5052 or email hopecommunity@hopecenterindy.org
